Saturday, January 30, 2010

Bret's picture of the future

In the year 2010 …
1. The top selling electronic device under $500 will be a Blackberry.
2. The top 10 medical stories found on WebMD will include the failure of the Obama healthcare plan.
3. The worst natural disaster in terms of IMPACT (lives lost, damage, etc) caused will be a volcano.
4. In December 2010, the unemployment rate for the state of Iowa will be 4.5%.
5. The longest fifteen minutes of fame will go to a would be presidential assassin.
6. The United States at the 2010 Winter Olympics will win 23 Gold, 20 Silver and 15 Bronze Medals.
7. The most newsworthy scientific controversy will be about global warming.
8. The winner of an Academy Award for Best Picture will go to Avatar .
9. Inflation will be the highest in 40 years.

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